Belinda HenkelI have been a Registered Midwife and Childbirth Educator for over 20 years working with women and their families. I have practiced in Home Birth, Family Birth Centres, Public Hospital Maternity Units, and Private Hospital Maternity settings.

With such broad experience I am confident that women make choices about pregnancy and childbirth informed by their own unique circumstances.

There is no right way or wrong way to build a family. But with so many decisions to make, a reliable source of accurate information and support is invaluable.

My qualifications in Family Planning include the both natural and chemical methods. However my Practice focuses on natural methods of achieving a pregnancy. I have a very good success rate in helping couples successfully achieve pregnancy – even some who have not succeeded with IVF.

Interestingly a number of women have used what they have learned in reverse, to avoid getting pregnant during Breast Feeding and beyond.

I regularly lecture on fertility and infertility management to doctors and medical students, as well maternal and child health nurses and midwives. I am a Clinical Educator for Midwifery students from several Melbourne universities.

Registered Nurse; Registered Midwife;
Bachelor of Nursing; Midwifery; Childbirth Education;
Sexual & Reproductive Health (Pap Test Provider); Natural Family Planning